The final judging for the Best Decorated Christmas House Contest 2020 is now complete. On the evening of December 29th, members of the Best Decorated Christmas House Contest subcommittee took a tour of Butterfield, selecting from scores of very well decorated houses to find the best-decorated Christmas houses. This year we are once again doing first, second and third prizes, with $100 for the best decorated Christmas house, $50 for the second, and $25 for the third. We will also list some Honorable Mentions, but no cash awards will be dispensed for the honorable mentions.
After a thorough review, the committee came up with the following list of winners:
First Prize:
2S280 Glen Ave: This year’s first prize goes to a long-term contender, 2S280 Glen Avenue. This house has appeared several times as one of the nicest displays in Butterfield, and this year, with the addition of several new elements, we believe it has what it takes to be the winner for this year. Though some displays are larger, and others possibly more elegant, this tasteful, well-arranged display has an even blend of quantity and quality, the two main criteria necessarily for a truly great display, the third being a good balance of both.

Second Prize:
21W000 Marlborough Lane: 21W000 won an honorable mention back in 2017, and this time they have upped their game enough to get second place. This house also demonstrates a nice combination of numerous lights and tasteful lighted figures, including a combination of both sacred and secular themes.

Third Prize:
2S214 Valley Road: Another repeat winner, 2S214 Valley Road won first prize in 2017 and an honorable mention in 2018. This year they brought forth another good showing, taking third place. Though not quite as elegant as the previous two, perhaps due to the cars in the driveway somewhat breaking up the otherwise idyllic scene, this house delivers an attractive and thorough lights display along with a variety of attractive lighted figures.

Honorable Mentions:
20W632 Glen Court: A new entry this year, 20W632 Glen Court offers an excellent blend of tasteful minimalism along with a variety of different lights and some lighted figures. The trees and bushes look beautiful with their warm white lights, accented with a beautiful wreath over the garage and some whimsical birchwood reindeer on the lawn. Adding on some additional lighting and other elements may get this display into the winner category, especially if they are done this tastefully.

21W104 Briarcliff Road: Another new entry, 21W104 Briarcliff Road puts together a fabulous display that takes advantage of the large corner area where Briarcliff Road borders with Briarcliff Court. If the owners place some more lights on the house proper, this house will definitely be a contender for one of the cash prizes.

21W230 Glen Park Road: Finally we get to the third of the three traditional honorable mentions, 21W230 Glen Park Road. This house has put together consistently nice displays and has almost made the honorable mention list a few times due to its colorful and elegant displays. This year we decided to add it in, though it could use some more lights, especially on the roof dormers. More lights and more lighted figures on the lawn will help get this house up in to the winner category . Also, the lime green of the garage lights clashes with and overwhelms the beauty of the other lights, we suggest they use a darker, classic “Christmas green” or some other color that is dimmer and coordinates better with the rest of the lighting.

And there were many more, but time limits us from showing many of the excellent displays to be found throughout our subdivision, which seem to be getting better and more numerous year after year. Checks are in the mail for all the winners — perhaps you could be next year’s big winner, when the prizes may get even bigger! Until then, Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
Doug Elwell, President
Butterfield Homeowners Association