Hopefully by now you have noticed and enjoyed the new entrance sign landscaping improvements, the implementation of which was completed on Friday, September 2nd. The improvements to the landscaping for all three entrance signs include the addition of fresh mulch, trimming and shaping of existing plants (all of which remain in place), the addition of several more varieties of plants and flowers to add more interest and color, and the pruning of nearby bushes and trees to create an overall cleaner and more professional appearance. There is also the addition of decorative stones to add to the existing hardscaping, giving the presentation a more pleasant and sophisticated look.
From here on out the entrance signs will be professionally maintained by the same landscaping company that made these changes. The new landscaping will be maintained four times per year so it will remain looking fresh and clean throughout the growing season. The mowing of the grass around the entrance signs will continue to be handled by volunteers, so please make sure to thank them for their service, and consider donating some of your time to help them. Please contact us at butterfieldhomeownersassoc@gmail.com if you are interested in getting involved.

Why are these changes being made? Well, besides making Butterfield a better and more desirable place to live, part of the requirements mandated by the state of Illinois’ dissolution of the Butterfield Homeowners Association earlier this year is that we could not keep our cash assets, but must disburse them in such a way that does not directly benefit any of our members. So, because the majority of our remaining cash came from the people of Butterfield, both from our members and through past donations given to the BHA by the people of Butterfield for various causes, President Doug Elwell, who has sole authority given by the state of Illinois to decide all matters related to the dissolution, has decided to disburse the remaining cash in such a way as to only indirectly benefit all the people of Butterfield by using it to repair and improve our entrance signs, lighting, and landscaping.
The results from a recent survey sent out to BHA members regarding what to do with our remaining cash assets indicated that a large majority of the respondents agreed that spending it on fixing and making improvements to the entrance signs, landscaping, and lighting was the best option. So, President Doug has decided to follow his original plan and spend the remaining cash on the entrance signs, and then give whatever is left, if anything, to charity. Entrance sign improvements will not only help improve the quality of life for the residents of Butterfield, but also improve housing values, as the first impression one has when entering a subdivision is a factor when establishing the fair market value of a property. The specific real estate term is ”curb appeal”, and these upgrades will definitely improve the curb appeal of our entire subdivision to potential homeowners, which will in turn increase the value of our homes.

The process of dissolution also involves the giving away or selling off of the non-cash assets, including the entrance signs. To that end, in order to avoid losing all of our assets to the dissolution process, President Doug founded the Butterfield Homeowners Administration to serve as the ”new BHA”, as well as serve as the inheritor of the old BHA’s non-cash assets, (including this website, mybhoa.com). The Butterfield Homeowners Administration is a form of sole proprietorship known as an LLC, which is wholly owned and operated by Doug Elwell, who is the President and sole proprietor. The Butterfield Homeowners Administration has purchased all of the non-cash assets of the Butterfield Homeowners Association, including the entrance signs, lighting, landscaping, and everything related to the entrance signs, and is now responsible for their proper maintenance.
Once the disbursement process is completed, a complete accounting of how the remaining funds were spent will be made available to those interested in reviewing it. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us at butterfieldhomeownersassoc@gmail.com