The Butterfield Homeowners Administration is a new company that has replaced the old Butterfield Homeowners Association with fresh, new ideas and a positive outlook for the future of Butterfield.
The Butterfield Homeowners Administration is not a homeowner’s association, but a for-profit business designed to focus on providing services similar to that of a homeowner’s association, but without the mandatory dues, and the bureaucratic processes that slow us down.
President Doug Elwell has decided to help subsidize the cost of doing business out-of-pocket until the BHA can afford to pay its bills again. If you want to help, all you need to do is pay your annual subscription dues as before, and you will continue to receive the same services, including our new news journal (see the latest issue here).
If you are not receiving the print edition of our news journal and would like to, please upgrade your membership online at or send a check for $50 or more made out to “BHA” to:
2S104 Avondale Ln
Lombard, IL 60148
Your annual dues will help pay for the landscaping, lighting, and insurance for the entrance signs, the BHA website, our email newsletter, and much more to come, all now owned and managed by the Butterfield Homeowners Administration, owned by Doug Elwell.
Be a part of the solution and subscribe today!