We are the Butterfield Homeowners Administration, an organization that has been serving the people of the Butterfield subdivision for over 60 years! Many people have expressed an interest in advertising in our popular news journal and on our website, as our news journal is delivered four times per year to all of our members, as well as a number of influential people and organizations outside of our subdivision. And our website is of course delivered to the whole world. If you are interested in advertising, or have further questions prior to purchasing advertising, please let us know by emailing us at doug@dougelwellinc.com or calling 630-376-6498. Here are our ad sizes and rates:
News Journal Ad Sizes:
Our news journal is in an 11” x 17” tabloid format, which is the size of a newspaper, but it reads more like a magazine, with the quality of a journal. We can accommodate most ad sizes from both tabloid, standard-size (8.5” x 11”) and smaller. Here are our default ad sizes:
Tabloid Sizes (11” x 17”):
Tabloid Full Page:
Full Page w/Bleed: 12” wide x 18” tall (content area must be within 10” wide x 16” tall)
Minimum size (float on white background): 9″ wide x 15″ tall
Tabloid Half Page:
Horizontal: 9″ wide x 7.5″ tall
Vertical: 4.5″ wide x 14″ tall
Tabloid Quarter Page:
Horizontal: 9″ wide x 3.75″ tall
Vertical: 4.5″ wide x 7.5” tall
Standard-Sized Ads (8.5” x 11”):
We can also fit ads from standard-sized magazines (8.5” x 11” or smaller)
Custom ad sizes can also be accommodated upon request.
Newsletter Ad Rates:
Here is a list of ad rates for all issues:
Full Page
1x: $300
2x: $560
3x: $780
4x: $1000
1/2 Page (horizontal or vertical):
1x: $150
2x: $280
3x: $390
4x: $480
1/4 Page (horizontal or vertical):
1x: $75
2x: $140
3x: $195
4x: $240
Ads from standard-sized magazines and custom ad sizes will be billed based on full page tabloid ad cost, which is $1.60 per square inch.
Newsletter Ad Deadlines:
Newsletter ads are due on the following dates for the spring, summer, fall and winter newsletters:
Spring: February 15th
Summer: May 15th
Fall: August 15th
Winter: November 15th
Website Ads
We can place your ad on this website, near the top of the right-hand side of the page, an excellent location which will be seen prominently on all pages. We offer three different sizes, and custom options to meet your particular needs:
- Up to 300px wide x 150px tall: $25/month
- 300px wide x 300px tall: $35/month
- 300px wide x 600px tall: $50/month
- Website custom ad: TBD
- Posting your ad on Facebook and Nextdoor.com as a single posting: +$25 per posting (formatted to fit those sites)
- Running your ad on Nextdoor.com as a standard advertisement: Contact us for more information
- Run a print ad in our print newsletter and receive a web ad at 1/2 price!
Run any print ad, and you will receive a website ad for free! Contact us for details.
Want more options? Call 630-376-6498 or email doug@dougelwellinc.com for an estimate.
Format: High resolution JPEG images are best for both print and web ads, though we can also convert most other formats. Print ads can be converted to web ads as no additional cost, contact us for special deals.
Make checks payable to Butterfield Homeowners Association and mail to:
Butterfield Homeowners Administration
Attn: Advertising
2S104 Avondale Ln
Lombard, IL 60148
You also have the option to pay online using PayPal, contact us for more details.
Our newsletter is both mailed and posted on our website, so you get the benefits of both mediums. You can see a sample newsletter online at https://thedupageguardian.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/06/TDG_2022-Q1-WEB.pdf